DIY Recycle your shirt

DIY : Recycle your shirt !

Meet Caroline graphic designer who gives Quechua’s products their identity thanks to her designs. Follow us to find out how to customize your t-shirt easily !

To do this, you need to keep your eyes open when out hiking, and collect a range of natural objects that you can then use for your own design. The steps outlined in this “home-based workshop” offer endless possibilities for customisation, so you’re guaranteed a totally unique t-shirt !

You need

You need

A t-shirt (here, we’re using a Arpenaz 100 vest top – €5.95)
Special fabric paint
A pencil
A ruler
Fine brush
Sheets of paper
Forest items that inspire you (pine cones, branches, moss and leaves, etc.)
An iron
A tea towel

Time: approximately 2 hours, depending on the complexity of the pattern


Arrange your t-shirt on your work surface and use sheets of paper to protect the parts that you don’t want to paint.

Stage 1 DIY


Use the sheets of papers as markers to help you position the items that you want to reproduce on your T-shirt. For example, if you want to paint a line of motifs, get a ruler and make small pencil marks so that you get an identical gap between each of your motifs. When you’re making your calculations, remember to bear in mind the width of your T-shirt, to ensure your design is properly centred.

Stage 2 delimit the work area on the t-shirt


Now comes the painting stage. To reproduce the items that you’ve chosen, pour a little paint into a flat container and then cover your item. You’ll use this as a stamp.
Here, for example, we used a spruce branch.
Once soaked in paint, gently position it on your t-shirt, ensuring that the paint is properly distributed. Repeat as many times as necessary to complete your entire pattern. You can vary the colours as well the objects that you’re replicating.

Stage 3 affix the branches after having dipped them in paint


If you want, you can add a few dabs of paint, applied with a paintbrush, to the leaf, fir cone and moss prints. Once again, to ensure your work is evenly spaced, use the marks that you made previously on the sheets of paper.

Stage 4


Once the paint has dried, you need to iron your pattern, to fix it permanently. To prevent ruining your T-shirt, place a clean tea towel between the shirt and your iron. The ironing time is indicated on the paint pot.

Stage 5 ironing

Now that you’ve successfully carried out all the above stages, you can say, in all honesty, that you’ve got a genuine bespoke T-shirt! Please remember to share your creations on social networks with the hashtag : #DIYQuechua

* The prices listed on the site are the prices recommended by DECATHLON SA's central purchasing department.