Recipe / Goji and cranberry muesli

Recipe / goji and cranberry muesli

Fruits rich in colours for this acidic breakfast, which gives you a boost all day long.

Recipe / Goji and cranberry muesli

For 1 person
Weight in the backpack: approximately 150g

- 60g of oatmeal
- 1 tablespoon of cashew nuts cut into small pieces
- 1 tablespoon of goji berries
- 1 tablespoon of cranberries
- 1 tablespoon of raisins
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (or more if you like it!)
- 1 teaspoon of sugar

Optional: 1 teaspoon of powdered milk (or 1 pod)

Preparation at home:

- Write on a zip bag the name of the contents: "Chocolate, almond, coconut muesli"
- In a bowl, mix all the ingredients. Tip them into the zip bag. Form an airtight seal on the bag, removing as much air as possible.

Recipe / Goji and cranberry muesli

Preparation at camp:

If you prefer the muesli cold,
- Add the contents of the bag into your cooking pot. Add water. Mix and leave to stand for a few minutes. Enjoy!

If you prefer the muesli hot,
- Boil a little water in your cooking pot. When the water is hot, cut the heat and put the contents of the bag into the cooking pot. Mix and leave to stand for a few minutes.


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